Annotated Bibleography


Primary Sources for Gladiatorial Games. Roman Gladiators and Chrisian Martyrs,, May 8, 2011

 Description: This website had several primary sources on it like the one I used written by Seneca; this was about the gladiatorial fights. Seneca also talked about how the gladiators were idolized by the people but if they lost a fight there career or life would have been put to an end.  

Andrew Dalby and Sally Grainger. The Classical Cookbook. United Kingdom: , British Museum Press, 1996.

Description: This cookbook has classical ancient Roman recipes

The art of Beauty by Ovid. Sacred-Texts,

This poem by Ovid was about beauty and a woman's life


 Rosalie and Charles Baker the III, Ancient Romans. Oxford NY: Oxford University Pres, 1998

 Description: This book gave me a brief description about Valeria telling me about her relationships and her family life. 

 “Valeria Messalina” Encyclopedia Britannica. No author. Encyclopedia Britannica. May 1, 2011

 Description:  This website told me about her  plot to kill Claudius and her affair with one of Claudius’s advisors Sullius.

 “Messalina Valeria” The Roman World. No author.

Description: This website described her family relations with the throne and other important Romans.

 “Master: Messalina” Master and Margarita. No author

Description:  This website told me about Messalina’s affairs and her relationship with Claudius.

Roman Wedding Clothing. Roman Colosseum.