A Day in My Life

Dear Diary, this is what I did today:

When I rise my maids go right to work on my beauty treatment, because emperor Claudius’s wife always has to look stunning. My beauty treatment today includes foundation, blush, eye liner and lip color after this my maids get started on the LONG process of doing my hair. Because I am going to the baths this mourning this process is going much faster today, so only a few hours after I get up me and 3 of my maids go to the baths. On my way there I meet several very nice looking men and tell them where they will be able to find me later when I’m not with my old boring husband!

The baths were very crowded today like normal but I still managed to meet up with a few of my friends. After I returned home I met with my daughter for a nice meal and then together we would spend time with my husband which always lasts way to long!! After I get my daughter and husband away I go right to my chambers to go and get ready for tonight, I am meeting with one of my many lovers Sullius. Gods, why I cant find anything to wear!!!!!

Finally I found something to wear! I’m wearing a beautiful toga imported from Egypt which I totally forgot I had! Sullius and I talked about many things tonight and he keeps bringing up this crazy idea- I marry him! Well Claudius doesn’t know I have lovers yet but if I marry Sullius I am sure he would find out!! After many devious discussions with Sullius about making Claudius “remove” some people from our empire I retire to bed after a quick sacrifice to the goddess of beauty, Venus.